The Women's Ministry of First Baptist Church Gonzales presents "Biblical Help for Real Life," by Revive Our Hearts. Topics include "Loving and Living God's Word," "When You Love a Prodigal," and "Enduring Trials and Suffering." Speakers are Colleen Chao, Mary Kassain, Katie McCoy, Kelly Needham, Jani Ortlund, & Angela Yuan.
The conference will be held on March 14th & 15th at First Baptist Church. The cost is $25.00 - register before March 9th for a $5.00 discount!
Friday, March 14
6:30pm Session 1, Worship, "Loving & Living God's Word"
8:30pm Dessert Fellowship
Saturday, March 15
8:30am Session 2, Worship, "When You Love a Prodigal"
10:15am Brunch
11:00am Session 3, Worship, "Enduring Trials & Suffering"
1:00pm Dismissal